The milk teeth of a child must give way for the permanent teeth. The permanent teeth is so called because it is assumed that it won't go out till say old age and if it removes be sure it won't grow again. Aside old age, what causes the teeth to go off is due to excess intake of sweets, chocolates and other factors.

Whatever blessing or promise that God has given you, it is intended to be permanent;salvation inclusive. It is not to be off and on or cause for trying other sources. What causes most healing miracles and other provisions of God upon His children not to last is when they return back to their sins and begin to take in the 'sweets and chocolates' of the devil. Not continuing in the word and things of God causes the ills of the past to resurface. For the most part of Jesus' healing ministry, He always ended His words with 'go and sin no more lest a worse thing come upon you'. This indicates that backsliding or luke-warmness opens one up to the fiery darts of the evil one.

To remain and retain the miracles and promises of Christ, continuous renewal of the mind and fellowship with like-minded individuals is paramount. May God help us to really understand the secrets of remaining under God's favour. As we do these, our testimonies will not be once-upon-a-time in Jesus' name..amen. Remain Blessed!!!!


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