A friend of mine came visiting. As we were discussing, I realized that what she was saying didn't correlate with what I earlier knew about the situation. While she spoke, in my heart I kept weighing the two sides of the story. In the physical I was present but she never knew what was going on in my heart.

When we come in contact with people all we see is the physical appearance and what they want us to see. We really cannot know the intent of a man except we ǎ̜̣̍®ε̲̣̣̣ spiritually discerned. The heart of man is desperately wicked and its only the Lord that searcheth the heart. We hear words of affirmation from people, proposals from potential suitors but we must not be carried away by what we see or hear.

A man or woman might claim to have heard from the Lord concerning you. As a matter of fact aside the fact that he's convinced, he fits into your ideal man as a lady. Tall,has a gorgeous face to behold, dresses smartly, a man of purpose who knows what he wants and where God is taking him to. He is also a fire-brand minister, vibrant for the Lord and let's not forget to add he has a good job too. But that doesn't make him the bone of your bone neither does it mean that you ǎ̜̣̍®ε̲̣̣̣ she who is to support him in life. He might fit into all the description but still his heart-intent you do not know. And that's where the place of seeking God's face comes in. Since we do not know what goes on inwardly we need to daily consult the one who sees the secret things of the earth. Let's get intimate with the Lord such that before anything happens, the Lord would have revealed them to us His children. He isn't willing that we go about with guidance but that we through His leading make the best decisions. Let's also shift our focus towards heavenly things because that's the 'good part that can never be taken away'. For though it is said that we see in part and know in part, we can ask for a higher level of walk with God so that we no longer see/know in part. Remain Blessed!!


  1. Hmm true stuff ,i just pray we follow the direction of God desire for us and not go after our wants and needs without the help of God. MJ


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