A young lady came to blend at my house while I was doing the dishes so I told her to wait that I'd be with her soon. While I continued with the dishes,she said 'am waiting oo', and I told her to please wait a little. When I was done,I went to attend to her,and I realized that she had not even removed what she wanted to blend from the bag so I had to wait a moment while she brought it out and I heard in my spirit 'not prepared'. In the beginning,she told me she was waiting,but she wasn't even prepared for what she was waiting for.
I hear lots of singles who chant these words like it were an anthem, 'am waiting for Mr/Mrs right' but how many are prepared or how many have prepared themselves for the 'Mr/Mrs right'. That unpreparedness on your part is probably what is keeping him/her away for the time being. The question am asking myself is this 'Ayo,how prepared are you'? and this goes out to every other single out there.
This same scenario is also applicable to the coming of our lord Jesus Christ. Believers are expectant of our Savior's coming,but how prepared are the believers for His glorious coming? 
Permit me to say that waiting is a sheer waste of time,if while waiting there's no significant evidence of adequate preparation for that which you're waiting for. Rev19:7 says 'let us be glad and rejoice,and give honor to him,for the marriage of the lamb is come,and his wife hath made herself ready.'
The period of singleness is not a curse but a time of preparation for a glorious future so that you will stand perfect and complete in all the will of God(col4:12b) . Its a time of perfecting of oneself,its a time for the work of the ministry and also the edifying of the body of Christ (eph4:12). Its a time to evaluate yourself,look out for the bad traits in your life that needs to be thoroughly dealt with. Its a time to be your own 'critic'. Its a time to build up spiritually, and otherwise.
I can understand that being single sometimes isn't quite easy,but look at it from a different perspective this morning.Remain blessed friends!!!


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