My friend (room mate) and I decided to stop studying in the room; it was far too tempting. This was because the room was just too cozy and the sight of our beds made us want to procrastinate studying not to talk of the other side attractions in the house. So off to the library we went...

During courtship, it is advisable to know what works for you. You and your intending partner just have to tell each other the truth through the help of the Holy Spirit. Please stop feeling like a superman/woman by going to lonely and sensual places where the urge to engage in sinful things which might mar your testimony would occur. If you notice, its always in lonely places that erotic feelings and fake declarations of commitment come up.

We're humans and have blood running through our veins hence it is absolutely necessary that we do ourselves a favor by going to less intimate and solitary places to discuss and make plans. Don't tempt the devil or even your spouse. Be watchful and vigilant because our adversary the devil is cunning, crafty and seeking whom to devour. No touching; keep a healthy relationship that God will be pleased with and also bless. Refuse to stay in the room (lonely places) and head for the library (more open places). Remain Blessed!!!
