For every song, there is an aspect of the song that people would really like; everybody looks forward to when it gets to that point. Its like a general connection! Whereas, there are some specific parts of a song that only a few people love and can relate with, particularly people who have an ear for music.

We all have some central parts of our live that people and indeed anyone can relate with (drawn to) and also appreciate us for. However, there are some of us who feel we have no worth and that that there's  nothing about us that people can appreciate God or even love us for.

Please do not go down that lane if you're out there thinking that way of yourself. I desire to let you know that you are a rare gem and its people who know the worth of a jewel when they see one that will appreciate the God in you. Do not think any less of yourself because God is preparing a man/woman who would see that glorious part of you and love you for you (However, learn to love yourself first so as to appreciate the love coming from other people). In fact, things you never thought you could do, he/she will help you discover and nurture the growth of it. Don't give in to self pity that would lead to an assembly of pity-party because God has the best in store for you so be strong in the Lord. It is well with you. Remain Blessed!!!

NB: The lyrics of this song will speak life into our hearts in Jesus' Name
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