You're about to travel and your flight time is 20:00pm. Though you know the specific time, you still have to get to the airport early enough just to be on a safe side because the time might change or something else might come up. Even when you get to the airport, you still need to be watchful, observant and listen to any announcements made concerning your boarding call.
There's a flight we're to take and at anytime, there'll be a sound in the air telling watchful and faithful servants to come home. Let's get saved if we are yet unsaved. Do not say there's still time, remember that the time and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, except the Father. While we're still on earth (the airport), it is expected that we be sober, vigilant and ready because we know not what hour (flight time) our Lord doth come. All we do know is that He said 'behold I come quickly'. Let our ears be open and our hearts receptive so that we are not caught unawares when the final boarding call is made.
The Lord is coming for a sanctified and purified church, will the Lord meet His bride ready,(Rev 19:7b). When the final boarding call of the saints is made, will you hear it? Get saved Now, tomorrow might be too late! Remain Blessed!!!
Please listen to 'Purify myself' by Osaro:
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