When you go shopping at a supermarket, you pick up a cart to put in your things for convenience and after shopping and making necessary payments you leave it there. Now what you bought did not in anyway affect the cart, no value was added, you used it and that was it, though it served its purpose.

Just like the cart serves the needs of customers, in one way or the order, God has by His grace used us in ministering to the lives of many, many of whom we do not even know about. But do we just minister to lives without our lives being impacted upon? Are we improving and becoming better or we're just dispensing services so to speak without  it rubbing off on us?

Secondly, the cart was actually designed for that purpose and in that "calling" it remained. Are we fulfilling purpose or walking in the path of another? Do we still remain humble and in reverence to our maker? Do we realize that we are simply the container; all the contents were deposited there by our manufacturer? Have we come to the realization of the fact that but for His content in us we are but a tinkling cymbal? so many questions but very vital. Remain Blessed!!!
