Usually when preparing for examinations, we tend to prepare for the questions we hope will come out in the exams. Particularly if you have a large volume of work to cover. However, you don't expect the exam questions to be favorable if there was no preparation on you your part. And that's why we say the exam was tough because its either we took some topics for granted or didn't prepare at all.
We want virtuous and faithful men/women as spouses, but if we haven't adequately prepared ourselves, then we shouldn't expect to have a prepared person either because we wouldn't even know the value. Though it's impossible to be perfectly prepared for marriage, there are some things in our lives that should be put in order. Just like we sense some topics are inevitably going to be in the exams, so there are somethings we can't help but change before the 'I do!' phrase.
Like my dad said, make a list of things you wouldn't want someone especially your spouse to do to you, and then ask God to give you the grace to forgive even before it occurs. He also said, 'do not expect everyone around you to change and fit into your 'perfect world', rather change and work on your own self.'
Let's work towards being the 'perfect' spouse we clamor to see in the other party. Be the best thing aside God, that has ever happened to your spouse. Enjoy the weekend! Remain Blessed!!!
Nice posts Ayo, for me they have been a blessing. I pray more insight for you. Remain blessed.
ReplyDeleteAmen! Glad to know you're being blessed. God bless you Sir!
DeleteAm blessed. More inspiration to use practical life occurrences to teach.
ReplyDeleteAmen, God bless you!