Things in the market are grouped based on their worth and probable uses. A buyer knowing what he/she can afford, decides whether or not to pick an item given that the buyer is rational.There are lots of clothes in the market; different shapes and sizes. We know what we like and how we think such an apparel defines us is one of the many reasons why we make a selection in the first place.
If the clothes we pick are contrary to who we profess to be (Christians), then let's check deeply; we might be living in denial. This means that the place of God looks at the heart exclusively is somewhat deceitful, as who we really are within tend to surface one way or another whether or not we accept it. The question is do the things we claim to like really please God? Have we been 'liking' all of the wrong things? Let's evaluate ourselves if we've in some way tilted a bit. Remain Blessed!!!
True' A slave serves just one master, and a Christian who serves his heart is not yet dead like Christ "His" Master.
ReplyDeleteI'v heard so many pple use d phrase "God looks @ d inward appearance of a man(the heart) and not d outward appearance" buh most times i disconcur cos no matter how much we try 2 deceive ourselves just to please d flesh d truf still remains d truf as u'v rightly outlined here... *who we really are within tend to surface one way or another whether or not we accept it*. remain blessed as well.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your enlightening comments! It is the end time and the devil has devised all sort of heresies deceiving the very elect. There are lots of divergent views as regards this topic, but as a friend said, 'in the end, decency is royalty'. I pray God helps us to watch the exact things that tickle our fancy and discern if they please God. Remain Blessed!!!