Sometimes, we are just a step away from our breakthrough- an extra prayer away and in the heat of things when the angels of the Lord are wrapping up our answers, we feel soo pressurized and tend to give up or give-in. It is no wonder it's usually darkest before dawn.
I don't know how long it takes to get answers from God, but all I do know is that God still answers prayers. I might not understand fully the criteria for answered prayers aside being in oneness with God, but I do know that He promised that if I do call Him, He will hear me and while I'm yet speaking, He will answer me (Isaiah65:24). I know He sure does love to hear me call and that is why the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much, (James5:16b).
All that is required of us is to say, 'Lord, give me the grace to take the extra step to wait on you.' My friend's answered prayer was already being manifested but she was ignorant of it- she almost let go. The Lord is seriously at work in our lives,just hold on a little while longer and never let go. Remain Blessed!!!
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